Biographical Sketch - Trevor V. Suslow

Academic Preparation

University of California, Berkeley
B.Sc. (High Honors)
Agricultural Sciences
University of California, Berkeley
Plant Pathology
University of California, Berkeley
Plant Pathology



Project Responsibilities

Postharvest pathology and microbiology of perishable horticultural commodities and lightly-processed (fresh-cut) vegetables, role of environmental and crop production practices on postharvest quality and safety of edible horticultural crops, microbial safety and disinfection of preharvest and postharvest water, and biologically-mediated controls of postharvest diseases and pathogens of human food safety concern. My current research activities seek to integrate a variety of approaches to increasing our understanding of plant:microbe interactions that impact postharvest quality (decay/spoilage) and microbial food safety of fruits and vegetables. Applied research programs that address preharvest and postharvest risk assessment and hazard analysis specific to the epidemiology of Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria. We are combining lab and on-farm research related to pathogens of food safety concerns, in conventional and organic production systems, for the purpose of identifying opportunities for optimal microbial reductions and delivery of safe food to the consumer.

Professional Experience

Postdoctoral Fellow MAFF Biocontrol Project; Leeds, England 1981
Research Scientist Advanced Genetic Sciences, Inc. 1981-89
Director, Product Research DNA Plant Technology, Corp. 1989-95
Visiting Scientist University of California, Berkeley 1995
Extension Research Specialist, Dept. Plant Sciences (formerly Dept. of Vegetable Crops,) UC Davis Oct. 1995 - present

Teaching and Extension Outreach

Guest Lecturer in several courses at UCD in Plant Biology, Agricultural Systems, Postharvest
Biology, and Plant Pathology. Instructor in various annual Postharvest Biology and Technology
Shortcourses at UCD

2009 and 2011– Instructor for new course UCD PLS 174 – Microbiology and Safety of Fruits and Vegetables.

Over 250 national and international technical, extension education, training, and outreach presentations on microbial food safety of fresh produce in the past four years in diverse forums to diverse industry, regulatory, academic, and technology workshop audiences.